A day with Christie Tyler

QUESTION: Are you a morning person? CHRISTIE: Yes. I love taking mornings to wake up early and prepare for the day in silence with coffee. I like catching up on emails and tackling them before the day starts, and of course making time with Adam (my fiancé) and Rosie (our pup) before the day gets too crazy.
Q: What’s the first thing you do in the morning? C: Usually cuddles with Adam. And then, of course, a habit I can't break... checking my phone!
Q: Favorite breakfast? C: Acai bowls are my favorite, especially with peanut butter. I also love hot water with lemon or try to do a green juice with cucumbers, oranges, apples, and spinach. I also love yogurt and granola or eggs with avocado. I love breakfast.
Q: Work out or no work out? C: Yes! Doing yoga in the morning is such a wonderful, calming way to get the day started.
Q: Do you have any morning rituals? C: Making coffee and really taking time to do my morning skincare routine is my favorite. Of course feeding Rosie and making sure she's well taken care of, too.

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Q: What does your average day look like? C: Because my job is so unpredictable, days can look extremely different. But, usually I wake up and try to do as much self-care as possible (including a workout). Then I will answer emails and get ready for the day. Usually I will have a job to photograph so I go over the mood board and brainstorming list of concepts before I start -- then it's all about steaming clothes and preparing so the shoot goes flawlessly. I will take anywhere from 1-4 hours to shoot, depending on how long and demanding the job is. I have a quick late lunch and go into editing immediately so I don't lose the concept. Then I usually can have coffee meetings, phone calls, or extra emails to go through. Mid-afternoon Adam and I will take a break from work and take Rosie to the dog park or on a nice, long walk. It's our favorite time of day. Around 5pm I really try to unwind and disconnect. Usually around 6 I will treat myself to a glass of wine or Adam and I will go out for date night or I will meet a friend for dinner. Then I do my skincare routine and try to go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Q: How has your background influenced who you are today? C: I always felt disconnected from my passions and that is how I turned to Tumblr to get inspiration. I didn't have many friends who also liked fashion or photography so it became an outlet for me. Because of that, I started my own blog and ultimately that is how I ended up where I am today! It's such a wonderful feeling to have a community that is passionate about the things you are passionate about. I feel like I turned what could have been loneliness into an opportunity, looking back I am so glad I did.
Q: Whilst working, where do you go and what do you do to take a break? C: Rosie gives Adam and I such a great excuse to take a break. Taking time on our walks with her is truly one of my favorite moments of the day. Just to have some fresh air makes all the difference. Sometimes if Rosie is too tired just Adam and I will go to the park and take a moment from our hectic schedules.
Q: What inspires you at the moment? C: This might sound crazy, but nature and the little things in life always keep me going. Because of the state of the world it's easy to lose sight of the beauty in little moments but I try to keep them close, whether it's bike riding, going to bookstores or cafés or the farmers market...those things make me the happiest and inspire me the most.

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Q: What do you do to unwind in the evening? C: Taking a bath is such a luxury, so if I have the time and if I had a day that was hard on my body I always treat myself to a nice bath with a book and maybe a glass of wine. Adam loves to cook so we'll play jazz and make a nice home cooked meal. I will take time with my evening skincare routine and put away my phone.
Q: What do you usually have for dinner? C: I eat pretty light during the day, so dinner is usually the time that I save for pasta and heavier dishes. Pasta and wine at the end of a long day is my idea of heaven.
Q: What time do you go to bed? C: Usually around 11pm/midnight. Adam and I love to binge shows at night and we just really take that time to be with each other and catch up on the day.
Q: Last thing you do before you go to sleep? C: Cuddle with Rosie.